the phrase no more fear on a sheet of fabric

Do you suffer from fear and anxiety? I have had a lot of fear and anxiety over the past 7 years. I had fear when I started to take prescription drugs (for my fear!). And when we had to hire new help in the restaurant. I had a fear of going to the grocery store and when I spent time with my family. I even feared going to bed! Fear had taken over my life and I had to find a way to overcome it. In this article, I want to share with you 7 ways to overcome fear and anxiety biblically.

Although I had to be put on prescription anxiety pills I still had to learn how to manage my fears and anxiety.

That’s when I started to ask God for help.

I want to share with you what has helped me overcome fear and anxiety over the past 7 years.

Yes, I am still on anxiety pills. But I am so much better now than I was back then. And I can credit the Lord for that.


The first is to remember who God is. God is faithful and is with you where ever you go. It may not seem like He is, but He tells you in His word that He is with you. Also, he is all-knowing. This means he knows that you are afraid and he knows what it will take to deliver you from your fears. So you need to go to the Lord in prayer and thank him for being faithful and all-knowing. And ask him to help you believe that this is true.

Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous.  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

The second way to combat your fears is to trust in the Lord. It seems so simple, right? But I know how hard that truly is. And a verse that helped me when I was afraid was Psalms 56:3 which says, “When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. I repeated that verse over and over until I was no longer feeling afraid. Sometimes that was 20 times in one day, but the more I repeated that verse the better I felt.

Third, you should seek the peace of God.

John 14:27 says, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."

This peace is not the kind of peace the world gives. This peace comes from God. And with this peace, you will feel calm despite everything going on around you. In order to get this peace, you must ask God for it. I have experienced this peace several times in my life. And let me tell you it was a feeling that you would want to experience every moment of every day. It really was a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Fourth, you will need to replace your fear with God’s promises in His word. Every time you feel afraid you need to shut that fear down and say a verse from the bible to replace that thought of fear. Praying scripture back to the Lord is so powerful. You can use Psalms 56: 3 and tell the Lord when you are afraid you will put your trust in him.

Psalms 56: 3 says, When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you.

Fifth, you need to be strong and courageous.

Joshua 1:9 says, "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

Notice how God did not suggest to Joshua to be strong and courageous. He commanded it. And when God commands something you are to obey it. If you don’t obey it then it would be considered sinning. Ouch, right? That’s a hard truth to swallow! But you can be strong and courageous if you ask God for his help. And if you have asked Jesus into your life his strength lives within you. You just have to believe that you have it.

Philippians 4: 13 says, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me".

The sixth way is to pray to God.

Psalms 34:4 says, "I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears."

Read Psalms 34:4 again. It says, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.”

Did you catch that? He delivered me from ALL my fears! Not just one but ALL of them. And in order for the Lord to do that you need to seek him. Once you seek Him then He can deliver you from all fear.

I think half of my battle was that I forgot to go to the Lord for my problems. I thought that I could handle it myself.

I realized after I had exhausted everything else, God was there all along waiting for me to ask Him for help. He was waiting to deliver me from all my fears.

What I have also learned is that you must take it one day at a time. Don’t fear the future because the future is not real. You must believe in only what is real at the moment. Deal with today’s worries only. Again you need to seek God’s word and replace your worries about tomorrow with a verse from the bible. Remember God is only giving you today so deal with just today.

God says in Matthew 6:34, "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own."

The seventh way and last way to help you overcome fear and anxiety is to purchase my anxiety bundle.

Psychologists suggest that you have something to go to when anxiety strikes. Something that will calm your anxious mind. This bundle has over 45 pages of tools and tips that will help encourage you.

In this bundle:

*Learn the common habits that make anxiety worse and actions steps to help

*Learn bible verses to help in renewing your mind

*Learn grounding and coping techniques

*Learn how to boost your brain chemicals to keep you happy

*Learn the best morning routine for anxiety

This bundle is sure to help you when anxiety strikes. Let me show you how you can renew your mind and free yourself from anxiety’s grip. Click the link below to learn more and purchase my bundle!


There will always be some fear. But not all fear should be crippling. And like me, if you are having too much fear in your life you should probably see your doctor. There may be a chemical imbalance in your body that only medicine can help.

If this article has helped you in any way please share it with others so they too can get some encouragement to help them with their fear and anxiety. And please comment below and tell me how you overcame your fears. Let’s encourage one another!

If you were blessed by this article please subscribe to my email list in the box that says “join the rest” and you will receive my blog posts in your inbox once a week!

12 thoughts on “How To Overcome Fear and Anxiety

  1. Beautiful post! It’s so important to always remember that God is there to support and help us, as it can help so much when going through difficult situations.

    1. Its hard to remember anything lol. But i write notes to myself all the time. It helps me to free my brain from all the clutter lol. Sticky notes are perfect for that!

  2. Cori, thank you for sharing this blessed message today. I love your vulnerability and transparency. I too had to work through crippling fear and anxiety. Blessings.

    1. It seems to be an epidemic in this world to have fear and anxiety. I just want others to be able to feel the love of Christ so that they to can be free from fear.

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