woman showing apple and bitten doughnut

Temptation surrounds us everywhere. We are tempted by food, drugs, alcohol, and anything that can pull us away from doing what we know is right.

Now temptation in and of itself is not a sin. But acting out and giving in to the temptation is considered a sin in God’s eyes.

No, I am not saying that if we eat a donut when we know we should have eaten the apple instead is a sin in God’s eyes. I am talking about a sin that is against what the bible tells us to do. Such as having an affair or stealing from family and friends.

So then how do we go about dealing with temptation?

I want to share with you my story of temptation and show you 5 ways that can help in dealing with it when it arises in your life.

With this story, I was able to guest post. This means Natasha from Salt & Sparrow will be showing my post on How to Overcome Temptation on her website. She has graciously taken me in and allowed me to be a part of her family. Here is the link to go to her website and read my article. Just click on the word “link” and you will be directed to her site. And while you are there don’t forget to check out some of her blog posts! Hope to see you there!

14 thoughts on “How to Overcome Temptation

  1. I am very happy, that your husband forgave you and you learned from your mistake. I find it very important to learn from mistakes and improve our lifes to a better! Thanks for sharing your story! This is a very good reminder!

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my story. I just want people to know that there is temptation everywhere and that we need to be aware of the little things that can lead to something worse than the temptation itself.

    1. Thank you! This world is tough and we have to try and be more aware of our surroundings. You never know that temptation can be around the corner!

  2. Thanks for sharing and this is such a good reminder even with little things, it takes a lot of patience to overcome temptation

  3. Yes! I love this because so many have the misconception that temptation is a sin! Acting on it or continuing to think unclean thoughts that you know are bad is a sin, but even Jesus faced temptation & yet he is completely without sin! This is proof more than ever temptation isn’t a sin and we should not allow the enemy to make us feel dirty for enduring temptation.
    This goes along with my recent post about addiction & the temptations faced with it. I’d love for you to check it out and let me know what you think!?

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