Stories of Women in the Bible

white flowers in bloom during spring

The Bible is full of strong women who did amazing things. Each woman’s story is unique and inspiring. They remind us that God uses ordinary women to do extraordinary things.

This article will introduce us to some of the most important women in the scriptures. I pray we will gain new insights into the lives of these fascinating women and see how each of their stories provides a lesson for us to learn.

Eve was the first woman in the bible. Created to be a companion and helper to Adam, the first man. Eve was tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. God warned Adam and Eve not to eat from that tree. But they did anyways. And God banned them from the garden of Eden because of it. There are consequences when we choose to go our own selfish way instead of listening to God and the desires he has for us.

Sarah was Abraham’s wife and the mother of Isaac. God promised Abraham that Sarah would bear a son even though Sarah was unable to have children. They get impatient in waiting for God to give them a son, so Sarah gives her maidservant over to Abraham so they can conceive and bear them a child. This causes a lot of problems for the couple, something God never intended to happen. Years go by and at the age of 90, Sarah finally gives birth to Isaac. This shows us that God can do the impossible, that we should believe what he promises will come true, and that his timing is always perfect.

Rebekah was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Jacob and Esau. Although barren for many years Rebekah finally gave birth to twin boys, Jacob and Esau. God revealed to her that the older boy, Esau, would serve the younger, Jacob. Rebekah favored Jacob more than she favored Esau and she took steps to make sure that the firstborn’s blessing was given to Jacob instead of Esau. Rebekah took matters into her own hands ahead of God causing a division in the family. Sometimes when we go ahead of God or do things our own way we can really make a mess of things. We should go to God for help and if God tells us to do something or gives us a promise we need to obey no matter what the consequences.

Leah was the first wife of Jacob and bore him 6 sons and 1 daughter. Jacob had intended to only marry Rachel, Leah’s sister. But he was tricked into marrying Leah instead. When he found out that he was tricked he confronted the girls’ father and he allowed Jacob to marry Rachel in exchange for working another 7 years for him. Leah was jealous of Rachel because Jacob loved Rachel more. And so there was division in the family, but she relied on God in prayer, and God saw her distress and blessed her with 7 children. Leah hoped Jacob would love her because she could give him children and Rachel could not. When we rely on God and have faith in him he will never let us down.

Rachel was the second wife of Jacob and the mother of Joseph and Benjamin. Rachel was deceived by her father Laban and sister Leah. Her father Laban gave Leah to marry Jacob instead of Rachel because Leah was older. Jacob wanted to marry Rachel but had to wait 7 years to marry her. Leah was able to have children with Jacob and Rachel was barren. But after some time God remembered Rachel and opened up her womb. Rachel went through a lot but she stayed strong in her adversity. God was with her just like he is with us.

Rahab was a prostitute who lived in the Canaanite city of Jericho. Rahab hid two Israelites who were spying on the land in exchange for her family’s safety. She believed that their God delivered them from Egypt. She recognized the true God and after the walls of Jericho fell the Israelites kept their promise to protect Rahab and her family. Rahab later married an Israelite and became an ancestress of both King David and Jesus Christ. Rahab had remarkable faith in welcoming the spies and in return God protected her.

Ruth was a Moabite woman who became the grandmother of King David. After her husband’s death, Ruth chose to remain with her mother-in-law, Naomi. She boldly followed Naomi and devoted herself to the Lord. She took care of her and also took on the role of working to gather grain so they wouldn’t starve. She eventually met her new husband, Boaz, a wealthy man who was able to give her and Naomi the life they deserved. Ruth teaches us the importance of loyalty, faithfulness, and hard work. And that when you choose to devote yourself to God he will provide for you.

Hannah was the wife of Elkanah and the mother of Samuel who became a well-known prophet in Israel. Hannah was childless and she turned to God because of it. Hannah’s husband had two wives, Peninnah and Hannah. Peninnah could have children and she taunted Hannah over the fact. Hannah made a vow to God that if she was able to bore a son she would give him back to the church for service. God gave her Samuel and she kept her promise and took him to serve at the church. Eventually, Hannah had five more children. Hannah’s prayers got her through her trials. God blessed her because of her faith in him.

Esther was selected in a beauty pageant to become Queen to the Persian King Xerxes. A man that worked for the king by the name of Haman had plotted to have all the Jews murdered. Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, a jew, convinced Esther to approach the king to tell him the truth about what Haman had planned. Back then you were not allowed to approach the king without him saying that it was ok to approach him. So Esther was frightened. Although she was scared she chose to approach the king anyway. And instead of Mordecai being hanged, Haman was hung. Mordecai won Haman’s job all thanks to the courage that Esther had. Proving God can do the impossible.

Martha was the sister of Lazarus and Mary. Martha enjoyed a close friendship with Jesus. She was a hospitable woman. She was well known for complaining to Jesus about Mary not helping with the household chores during one of Jesus’ visits. Martha teaches us the importance of hospitality and servanthood. And that we need to stop and take the time to welcome Jesus into our homes and lives.

Mary of Bethany was the sister of Martha and Lazarus. During one of Jesus’ visits, Mary puts expensive oils on Jesus’ head and feet. Everyone thought that was wasteful. But Jesus defended her. Mary showed deep faith putting the worship of God before other things. Likewise, we should do the same.

Mary Magdalene was a loyal disciple of Jesus. She was one of several women who traveled with Jesus and his disciples. Jesus had cast seven demons out of her and because of it, she stayed loyal to him. She stayed with Jesus through his crucifixion and she was the first person he appeared to after he rose from the dead. Mary Magdalene teaches us that Jesus forgives our past and he can use anybody for his glory and our good (including a demon-possessed woman).

The Samaritan woman at the well is a great example of God’s love and grace. The woman was living in sin yet Jesus showed her forgiveness. And from there she shared the good news with her community. No matter our past God is always there to give us grace. No matter how lost we feel his love never fades.


In reading about these women, we can learn how to live our lives for Christ. Although this article didn’t cover all the women in the bible may we still be inspired to live as bravely and boldly as they did.

Share in the comments below which story has inspired you. Which story speaks to you? And don’t forget to subscribe to my email list in the box that says “join the rest” to receive all my newest blog posts in your email once a week.

5 thoughts on “Stories of Women in the Bible

    1. Those two women are a favorite of mine as well. I have a lot of similarities to Martha. And I have prayed for God to help me be more like Mary and less like Martha. lol. I love that there are lessons to learn from these remarkable women. Thank you for commenting!

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