Why Am I Lonely All The Time?

Do you feel lonely or empty inside? I am sure you have felt that way one time or another. Some may try to fill that emptiness inside with drugs, alcohol, or maybe even sex. Some of you try hobbies and things to keep yourselves busy all the time. While others may use food for some kind of comfort.

You try many different things to get rid of the loneliness but you still feel empty inside. All these things can take the loneliness away temporarily, but they will never completely go away.

But let me tell you that there is nothing that will ever fill that hole in your heart, or emptiness that you feel inside except for God’s love. God’s love is bigger than anything you could ever imagine. More than the love you have for your parents, your children, or your spouse.

Psalms 103:11 says, " For as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is my love for those who love me."
And Jeremiah 31:3 says, "I have loved you with an everlasting love. I have drawn you with unfailing kindness."

God loves you with everlasting love! That means he will never stop loving you no matter what you say or do. I don’t know about you but I am ready to experience God’s love in my life! I want to experience true genuine love. And no longer feel that emptiness or void inside of me.


For years I couldn’t grasp that the Lord wanted to have a relationship with me. It just sounded funny to me. How do you have a relationship with someone you can not see. Plus, why would God of all people want to have a relationship with someone like me? Especially with all that I have done.

But will you believe Jesus Christ is that one person, that one relationship, you need? Will you admit you need him and confess that you have been going after other idols instead of coming to him to fill the emptiness inside of you?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary says an idol is something that you have extreme devotion to. Any activity that you put before God. That you pour every ounce of your energy into, in hopes of it bringing you happiness. An idol can be drinking alcohol to cover the pain that you have experienced in your life, or spending all of your time on your phone instead of being with your kids or spouse.

photo of woman using mobile phone
Photo by mikoto.raw Photographer on Pexels.com


In addition to letting God’s love fill your void or emptiness inside, here are some things you can do to help you when you feel blue.

Learn to love yourself– To do this you must learn what God thinks of you. God loves you and me no matter what you have done or will do. And I want you to know how much he does. So I have written a post titled What Does God Say About Me? that can show you how much God loves you. And a post titled “Learn 4 ways to Love Yourself” that can show you how to love yourself.

Keep a Journal– Keeping a journal will help you to write down what you are feeling and in doing that it can help you to process those feelings. I write in a journal all the time and it helps me to release all that I am feeling in the moment.

Stay Positive– Look at what you have instead of what you don’t have. Thank God for those things you have and try not to focus on the negative around you. Ask God to help you to remember all the good things he has done for you.

Sometimes feeling lonely is a natural thing. Acknowledge the feelings you have but don’t live in the feelings. Give those feelings over to God so he can help you process them.


Ask God to show you how to fill that emptiness. Pray and ask Him to help you learn to love Him the way He loves you. I promise you loving God will fill that void you have.

If you feel like sharing please share in the comments below. I would love to give you some encouragement. And don’t forget to subscribe to my email list in the box that says “join the rest” and you will receive my blog posts in your inbox once a week.

You also maybe interested in purchasing my self-love bundle to help you with your loneliness. Loneliness can be brought on by self-criticism. Self-criticism is where you put yourself down and compare yourself unfavorably to others. Stop the negative self-talk and learn to love yourself the way God loves you. When you feel more comfortable in your own skin you will trust God more and your loneliness will go away because you know that God loves you. This bundle is packed full of material to help you learn to love yourself and show you just how important you are to God. In this bundle:

*Learn to renew your mind with scriptures and affirmations

*Learn how much God loves you

*Strengthen your relationship with God

*Learn to look at yourself the way God looks at you

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Click the link to learn more about the bundle! https://www.etsy.com/listing/1419850801/christian-self-love-journal-printable

6 thoughts on “Why Am I Lonely All The Time?

  1. God always wants to have a relationship with us but sometimes we just don’t understand that sometimes. The relationship with him the greatest relationship of all time. I loved your post a lot. It’s amazing!

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