The Meaning of Being Humble in the Bible

heart hand on shallow focus lens

Being humble means that you are not boastful or arrogant and that you do not put yourself in a higher position than anyone else. According to the Bible being humble means to have an attitude of total dependence on the Lord and to recognize that you are his servant and he is your Lord. A mindset that puts others first before yourself.

C.S. Lewis explains it best this way, “True humility is not thinking less of yourself, but thinking of yourself less.”


I have always been the type of person that needs to be in control of everything. If I can’t control it then I worry about it. God has been teaching me to let go of things and to let him take control. And being humble means that I need to take my worries to God instead of me worrying about them. That is hard for me to do since I am such an independent person.

But when I try to carry the burden myself I am telling God that I don’t trust him and that he is not capable of helping me. What I need to do is to cast my cares unto the Lord because he cares for me (1 Peter 5:7). I don’t know about you but I don’t want God to think that I don’t trust him!

Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."

Much too often, I give something to God, and then I try to take it back when I get stressed out about it. I say I trust Him but yet I try to come up with reasons and answers to my problems on my own.

I think I can get it done faster or I think my way is better than the Lord’s way. But when I try to take control over any situation I am not letting God show me his perfect will for my life.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you plans to give you hope and a future." (Jeremiah 29:11)


Let me give you an example. My parents had owned a restaurant for 21 years and I was the manager. Valentine’s day was coming up and I had to make sure there was enough food to be able to serve to all the customers that were coming in. I knew in the past that I had run out of steaks because I was busier than I had expected. But this year I was expecting more.

So I gave my worries over to the Lord.

What I didn’t do was leave them there. Instead, I worried that I would run out of food or that my help wouldn’t show up.

I may have thought I left it all with the Lord, but I didn’t.

God had to show me that my pride was in the way of allowing his blessings to happen. I was not completely humble when I gave Him my worries. And I thought I was the one who had to make the night perfect.

I was in control.

Being humble means that His plans are better than my plans. He knows what is best for me. And I need to allow God to help me develop traits that would make up a humble person. Traits like spending time listening to others, being grateful for what I have, or asking for help when I need it.

So I repented and asked the Lord to forgive me for not giving all my worries over to him and trying to take control of the Valentine’s dinner. And after I had given Him my worries again for the second time, I finally let go and let God take care of the dinner.

And you know what? Everything turned out just fine. I didn’t run out of food and all my help showed up to work. I had worried for nothing.

The more humble you are the more Christ-like you will be. And isn’t that the way you should be? God wants you to tell Him about your problems so that He can take care of them for you. Let God deal with the worries while you enjoy the life he has given you.


Heavenly Father, I want to be more like you and less like me. Show me how to be humble and help me to give you my problems so that you can take care of them for me. When I start to shoulder my burdens please show me that I am not being humble so that I can repent. Thank you for being such a good God. And for taking such good care of me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, Amen


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6 thoughts on “The Meaning of Being Humble in the Bible

  1. Cori, so beautifully spoken. Indeed sometimes it’s difficult to be humble or we think we are but we’re not. I know when I try to do life on my own I fail. Praise be to God. Blessings and Merry Christmas to you and your family.
    Visiting today from Blogger Voices Network.

  2. As humans we tend to act like that but this article is such a great reminder, I always remember that my service to the Lord is a humbling act.

    1. We must always go to the Lord first but it is easier said then done…lol. I am finding out the more I go to him for everything, instead of trying to take care of it myself, the easier it is to humble myself before Him. But I am not perfect and never will be so yes for me it was a great reminder as well. I need all the help I can Thank you for commenting!

  3. it’s difficult to me also to let go and don’t control everything, i get lost in uncertainty then and don’t know what to do and how am i supposed to deal with all this problems😃

    1. I know what you mean. I still occasionally have trouble giving all my problems over to the Lord. But it has gotten easier the more I do it. It will eventually become a habit if we continue to ask him first for everything

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