10 Names of God in the Bible and Their Meanings

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In Scripture, a person’s name identified them. Naming carried special significance. It was a sign of authority and power. God reveals himself through different names in the bible. Each name describes a different characteristic of him.

Not only is God’s name significant, but he changed the names of some of his people too. Such as when He changed Abram to Abraham, Sarai to Sarah, and Jacob to Israel.

Studying what God’s word says about his characteristics can help you to better understand his very nature and character. So let’s look at 10 of the most powerful names of God used in the bible and their meanings.


1. EL-OHIM (el-o-heem)- means “God is creator, powerful and mighty, Lord of lords.” An example of this name is found in the first chapter of Genesis when he speaks the world into existence.

Genesis 1:1 says, "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."

2. EL-SHADDAI (el-shad-eye)- means “God the Almighty.” It is saying that he is all-powerful, the mighty one. He is the God who knows all.

Psalms 91:1 says, "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

3. EL-ELYON (el-yone)- means “God the Most High.” He is above all God’s, who reigns supreme. He is bigger, greater, and higher than anything you have to go through in this life here on earth.

Psalms 7:17 says, "I will give thanks to the Lord because of his righteousness and will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

4. EL-ROI (el-roe-ee)- means “The God Who Sees.” This name tugged at my heart a bit when I was studying the names of God. Because it is saying that God sees me. He is watching over me. There is never a moment when he doesn’t pay close attention to me. He will never leave me. God is fully aware of every circumstance (past, present, and future) in my life and your life too! And knowing that just made me feel loved!

Hagar knew this too. When she ran away from home because Sarai, her mistress, was mistreating her. The Lord told Hagar to go back home and submit to Sarai and he will give her many descendants. Too many to mention. So Hagar gave God the name EL-ROI, the God who sees her.

5. YAHWEH (ya-way)- which means “The Lord.” It is derived from the Hebrew word “I AM.” It is one word for authority. One who holds great power. A word that signifies the one and only true God.

Exodus 6:2-3 says, "God said to Moses, "I am the Lord. I appeared to Abraham, to Issac, and to Jacob as God Almighty, but by my name the Lord I did not make myself known to them."

6. YAHWEH JIREH (ya-way-jye-ruh)- means “The Lord Will Provide.” Used in the bible when God provided the ram to be sacrificed instead of Isaac. Just as he provided the ram for Abraham he will provide for you too.

Genesis 22:14 says," So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided."

Names of God Prayer Template – Deepen your prayer time with this beautifully designed template featuring 30 Names of God. Each name includes its pronunciation, meaning, and the corresponding Bible verse. Use this resource to grow closer to God and call upon His names with confidence. Perfect for personal devotion, Bible study, or prayer journaling. Get yours today! Click the link to check it out! https://todaysgodlywisdom.etsy.com/listing/1706375500

Photo by Martino Grua on Pexels.com

7. YAHWEH NISSI (ya-way-nis-see)- means “The Lord Is My Banner.” God is our protector, our leader, and can deliver you from your enemies. Just as he brought deliverance for King Jehoshaphat and all of Judah from the army that was approaching them. He can deliver you from your battles.

Exodus 17:15 says, "Moses built an altar and called it The Lord is my Banner."

8. YAHWEH RAPHA (ya-way-ra-feh)- means “The Lord Who Heals.” God can bring you healing and deliverance from disease and pain. He knows you need him here on earth. Without him, you would have no hope. Although some may not see healing this side of heaven, God still promises that in eternity there will be no sickness or pain.

Exodus 15:26 says, "If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you."

9. YAHWEH SHALOM (ya-way-sha-lome)- means “The Lord is Peace.” God is the only one who can give you peace that surpasses understanding.

Gideon and his people were surrounded by a fierce enemy. Gideon was afraid and questioned God several times if he was the one God would use to defeat the enemy. God answered Gideon and told him to not be afraid and he gave Gideon peace. God then delivered them from their enemies.

Judges 6:24 says, "So Gideon built an altar to the Lord there and called it The Lord is Peace. To this day it stands in Ophrah of the Abiezrites."

10. YAHWEH ROHI (ya-way-roh-hee)- means “The Lord Our Shephard.” This name portrays the Lord as the shepherd who cares for his people like a shepherd cares for the sheep of his pasture.

Psalms 23:1 says, "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not be in want."

Which name do you like? Tell me in the comments below. And if you liked this post please share it with others. I would also love to have you follow me! You can do that by subscribing to my email list in the box that says “join the rest.”

Names of God Prayer Template – Deepen your prayer time with this beautifully designed template featuring 30 Names of God. Each name includes its pronunciation, meaning, and the corresponding Bible verse. Use this resource to grow closer to God and call upon His names with confidence. Perfect for personal devotion, Bible study, or prayer journaling. Get yours today! Click the link to check it out! https://todaysgodlywisdom.etsy.com/listing/1706375500

Names of God Verse Mapping Bundle – Dive deep into Bible study with this verse mapping bundle focused on the Names of God. Verse mapping helps you break down scripture, analyze key themes, and gain a richer understanding of God’s word. Perfect for personal study, devotionals, or group discussions. Get your printable bundle today and explore God’s names like never before! Click the link to check it out! https://todaysgodlywisdom.etsy.com/listing/1844558410

  • All the verses were taken from the New International Version of the bible.

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