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Trusting God can be hard. Especially when we have a hard time trusting anyone. How do we trust someone we don’t even know? We would have to form a relationship with that person in order for our trust to grow for that person. In the same way, we will need to form a relationship with God in order for us to start to trust him. This can take time but God is willing to show us that we can trust him completely. There are many examples of trusting God in the bible but I want to share with you just one of those stories.

If you have read any of my other posts I use King Jehoshaphat as an example a lot. I really love how he seeks out the Lord in his story.

In 2 Chronicles 20, King Jehoshaphat had heard of a vast army that was coming to invade his land. King Jehoshaphat knew he had to ask the Lord for help. He knew that he could trust him. So he gathered the townspeople and asked them all to fast with him. During the fast, he prayed to the Lord. And in the prayer, he reminded the Lord of all the great things the Lord had done in the past and asked him to intercede for his people now as he did back then.

The Lord spoke to them telling them to not be afraid and that the battle was not theirs but God’s. God told them they would not have to fight. They were to prepare for battle but they were not going to fight in the battle.

So the next morning they left for battle just as the Lord told them to do and when they got to the battlefield all of the opposing armies had already been defeated. God saved them from having to fight the armies.

The moral of this story is that God wants us to know that he can be trusted. When we go to God in prayer and praise him for all he has done in the past that helps us trust him with our future. If he can do miracles in the past he can do miracles in the present. He is faithful and he keeps his promises. God told them they would not have to fight and they didn’t.


It’s scary sometimes to trust when you can’t see what the future holds. Or when we can’t control the outcome. An example would be Abraham’s experience when he asked the Lord, “How can someone 100 years old have a child?” God was trying to give him a promise of a child. But doubt had creped into Abraham’s mind. He eventually chose to trust God and God fulfilled what he had promised to him.


There is another really good verse Psalms 56:3 which says “When I am afraid I will put my trust in you, Lord.” I used to pray this verse every time I had fear and doubt. Sometimes I would say this verse 20 times a day. But every time I did the fear went away and I slowly began to trust God to bring me through.

Something that may help you with your fear is my Anxiety Bundle!

My anxiety bundle is faith-based and packed with helpful tools to encourage you and calm your anxious mind.

I suffer from anxiety and I wanted to make a toolbox that can help heal a person that suffers from this condition. In this bundle:

*Learn the common habits that make anxiety worse and actions steps to help

*Learn bible verses to help in renewing your mind

*Learn grounding and coping techniques

*Learn how to boost your brain chemicals to keep you happy

*Learn the best morning routine for anxiety

This bundle is sure to help you when anxiety strikes. Let me show you how you can renew your mind and free yourself from anxiety’s grip. Click the link below to learn more and purchase my bundle!


Jesus encourages us not to worry about tomorrow since today has enough problems of its own. (Matthew 6: 34) We need to rest in the assurance that God has got this day under His control and there is no reason to worry about the future and what it may or may not hold. I can’t stress that enough. Most of our worries are about things that will never happen. We must give God control of our lives and let him deal with the future.


I know praising God doesn’t seem like the right thing to do when we are afraid or worried. But when we praise God it puts our focus on Him and that is where our focus needs to be. When our focus is on him more than our problems, the problems won’t seem as big. Praising him is saying we trust him and what he is doing. Praising him can be so powerful and it will help you to feel his peace.


In conclusion, trusting God takes time and it may be that you will have to go through things in order for you to learn to trust him. In time you will begin to trust him more and more. Just remember what God has done in the past. What he has gotten you through. And remember that he is not here to hurt you. God will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5 ) Praise him because he deserves to be praised. And then watch him do amazing things in your life.

I would love to hear from you. Please leave a comment below and tell us why it is that you are having trouble trusting. And could you please share this post with your followers? Thank you for helping me spread the gospel. If this article blessed you in any way please subscribe to my email list in the box that says “join the rest” and you will receive my blog posts in your inbox once a week!

Trusting God Verse Mapping Bundle – Dive deeper into God’s Word with guided verse mapping! This bundle includes 31 carefully selected Bible verses and 2 verse mapping worksheets to help you explore scripture, reflect on its meaning, and strengthen your trust in God. Perfect for personal study or group devotionals. Click the link to learn more.

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