5 Keys to Transform Your Prayer Life

a person in orange shirt with hands together

Do you feel like you are just getting nowhere in your prayer life? Do you wonder if your prayers are working or if God is really listening? If you know the basics of prayer but want your prayers to be more effective, then these five keys will help you unlock the power of prayer in your life.


You need to be praying with your spouse.

Matthew 18: 20 says, "If two or three people are together believing in me, I am there with them."

Temptations will arise when you pray together. But you will need to go through those temptations and trials to build your character. So that God can see that he can trust you with the tasks he wants you to do for him.

You need to stand firm on his word.

Find a verse that resonates with what you are going through and then in prayer, pray back that verse to God. Use google or the Bible App. to find the verse.

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Photo by John-Mark Smith on Pexels.com

You need to thank God for his answer to your prayer immediately after praying.

Ask God one time then every time that thing you prayed about comes into your mind you thank God that he has already taken care of it. God doesn’t need to hear you ask him a second time, you just need to be thanking him for it.

You need to be willing to open your heart to God and be willing to give him your expectations and solutions.

Learning to let go and let God’s will come through is hard. Especially when you are so used to doing it on your own. God knows what is best for you. So accepting his will for your life is the best thing you can do for yourself.

You need to pray reverently.

Reverently means to worship or pray with adoration. You need to recognize God’s greatness first and foremost and begin every prayer by communicating to him, that you acknowledge his goodness and power.

2 Chronicles 20: 6 says, "Lord God of our ancestors, you are the God in heaven. You rule over all the kingdoms in all the nations. You have power and strength. No one can stand against you."


In conclusion, prayer is our fiercest weapon against the enemy and all things in this fallen world. It is like kryptonite to the enemy. Prayer is not just words spoken to God. Prayer is an act of worship that glorifies God and reinforces our need for him.

Praying takes a lot of persistence. Persistence is vital. And don’t give up if you get off track. The enemy wants nothing more than to see you defeated when it comes to praying. Just keep trying and keep going. Don’t let the enemy silence you!

When you open your heart to God you allow him to work in your life. Release your prayers to God’s will and wait expectantly for him to answer in his way, timing, and glory.

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2 thoughts on “5 Keys to Transform Your Prayer Life

    1. Thank you so much! I can only hope that my messages will reach those who need to read them. Thank you for reading the article!

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