3 Ways to Worship God

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There are many different ways you can worship and praise God. And I want to share with you 3 different ways that you can. I also want to explain why you should be praising God and give you verses that you can use when you are praising and worshipping him. So let’s get started!


#1. Your physical posture would be a great way to worship the Lord. Such as kneeling and raising your hands.

Psalms 134: 2, "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary and praise the Lord."
grayscale photo of people raising their hands
Photo by Shelagh Murphy on Pexels.com

#2. Speaking to the Lord is another way to worship Him. For example, telling him he is a wonderful and amazing God. And thanking him for being a gracious, forgiving, loving, and merciful God.

Hebrews 13: 15, "Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise-the fruit of lips that confess his name."

#3. Singing can also be a great way to worship the Lord. He would love to hear you sing to him. In fact, there was one time in my quiet time with the Lord that I asked him what he would like me to do for him today and he told me to sing to him!

Psalms 147: 1, "Praise the Lord.  How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!"


#1. Because he deserves it!

Revalation 4: 11, "You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will, they were created and have their being."

#2. Because he commands it! (Psalms 148: 1 – 14)

#3. Because praising him brings him in on your problems and allows you to feel his peace.


Here are just a few verses that you can use to read out loud back to God in order to praise him.

Deuteronomy 32: 3, "I will proclaim the name of the Lord. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!"
1 Chronicles 16: 8-9, "Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done."
2 Samuel 22: 4, "I call to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and I am saved from my enemies."
2 Samuel 22: 47, "The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be God, the Rock, my Savior!"

So now I want to share with you a prayer that I had read somewhere and really thought that it would be a perfect prayer to pray when you are worshipping and praising the Lord.

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Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com


I will praise you with my two eyes…….I will look only to you and have no other idol in my life
I will praise you with my two ears…….I will listen to your voice when you speak
I will praise you with the work of my two hands……..I will work for you in whatever you have me do
I will praise you with my two feet……I will walk in your ways and I will go wherever you lead me
I will praise you with my tongue……I will testify constantly to your loving kindness
I will praise you with my heart……I will love you first and I will receive all the unconditional love you pour out in your mercy, grace, and forgiveness.
I thank you, Lord, for this body you have given me. Help me to use this body for your glory. I thank you for all that you are and the constant love you have for me. I love you. In Jesus name, I pray Amen

You maybe interested in this! Another way to help you in praising and worshiping God and a simple way to keep track of what you are thankful for is to start a gratitude journal. It can be a great reminder of the blessings God has given you. And a great way to develop gratitude in your life. To start one check out my gratitude bundle.

In this bundle:

*Enjoy some gratitude activities (Perfect for kids!)

*Learn gratitude affirmations to use throughout your day

*Learn fun ways to show gratitude with a gratitude calendar

*Learn more gratitude with daily journal prompts

*Learn what the bible says about gratitude

Click the link below to learn more and to purchase my bundle!



I hope this post has helped you find ways to praise and worship our wonderful heavenly father. And I would love to hear how it has in the comments below. Please share this so that others can benefit as well. Sharing is Caring! If you were blessed by my article please subscribe to my email list in the box that says “join the rest” so that you can receive my new blog posts in your inbox once each week. Thank you so much for reading. God Bless!

  • All verses were written in the NIV version